OK, I will admit I am a geek about time.  Always have been, always will be.

When someone asked me how long it took you to write out 20 cards a week, I knew I had to time myself!   The answer for me was about one hour.   Your time and mileage may differ, based on your driving conditions.

Once I figured out when I wanted to write my cards, I did a few things that made it a smooth process.

Here is my process  — 10 easy steps 

  1. I blocked an hour in my calendar. This activity (card writing) was one that I schedule in the late afternoon, usually on Fridays.
  2. I create the list of who to send the card. Usually, it was people that I had spoken or met that week.  Yes, I used my calendar to look back at the meetings I had.  Yes, I am a paper planner person.
  3. I cleared my “desk”, which right now is the dining room table. If I have files, notes, clutter near me, I get distracted.
  4. I turned off the computer. I turned off the phone.
  5. I got out 20 cards and began writing. Yes, some of the messages were very similar, but I did add in some customized details that pertained to that person.  It took me about 40 minutes to write out 3-4 lines on each card.   Name, 3-4 lines, my signature.
  6. I got out my address book (yes, paper) or began to look up addresses in CRM, inbox, or business card file. In those circumstances where I did not have their physical mailing address, I sent a short text – “hey, what is your best mailing address?”   Almost immediately, I would get a response.
  7. The time to address the envelopes was about 20 minutes.
  8. Apply the stamp.
  9. A step that I did do (because I am a geek) was that I have an Excel spreadsheet with two columns: First/Last Name and date I sent the card.  I did not want to send the same card with same words to same person.  And I knew that I could not rely on my memory.
  10. As I put the cards into the post office box, I said to the cards, “Yes, You Matter to Me!”

You can do this.  Those you send it to will be grateful for your words.