Are you one of the tribe?   The Card Sender Tribe! 

Over the past few months, I have discussed with others about my personal project of sending out 20 “You Matter to Me”  cards per week, I found that the common response was, “Oh my!”   Their reaction told me that they perceived it to be A LOT of cards, about 5 per day.

We, then, would get into the discussion of whether they were a card sender or not. 

So proud of their lifelong habit 

The ones who were card senders were very proud of it.  They wanted to tell me all about the types of cards they send, the type of people they send them to, and how long they have been doing this. 

What I found fascinating was that some of these discussions were with people I have known a long time and I have NO IDEA of their habit.  Yes, along the way, I probably received a card or two from them.   

Heartfelt, lifelong habits

Here is what I loved. 

“Lauren, I send one gratitude card every day.  It is part of my morning routine.   I wake up, have coffee, exercise, journal, and then write out my card to a person I need to thank from yesterday that deserves my gratitude.” 

“Lauren, I love sending out cards knowing that I can brighten someone’s day with my words”  (Yes, I believe this to be true, as well)

“Lauren, let me show you the huge container of greeting cards I keep on hand, so that I have a stash of them to send to my friends and colleagues.  I have a few special stores that I go to – to buy these cards that I love.   Yes, I routinely send out cards at non-holiday times. 

We are not a lost art, rather ALIVE and well

Ahhhh….. I found my peeps, my tribe.   Card lovers, just like me.   CARD LOVERS UNITE!

I am known for sending out cards for what seems to be hundreds of years.  It is just my habit.  I feel good doing it.  They feel good receiving my words.  Based on the words I write, we both know where we stand with each other. 

For me,  the “lost art of card writing and sending” is not lost at all.